
Ysgol Min y Ddôl

Pawb yn Llwyddo


Ysgolion Clwstwr Ysgol Morgan Llwyd/Ysgol Morgan Llwyd Cluster of Schools

Wyddech chi nad oes angen i rieni siarad Cymraeg i anfon eu plant i ysgol Gymraeg?

Dewch i ymuno gyda ni yn yr ysgol am sgwrs a thaith ac i weld drosoch eich hunain sut mae pob plentyn yn ffynnu waeth pa iaith y maent yn ei siarad gartref!


Did you know that parents do not need to speak Welsh to send their children to a Welsh medium school?

Come and join us at school for a chat and a tour to see for yourselves how all our children thrive at Ysgol Min y Ddol regardless of what language they speak at home!

Mae’r deg ysgol Gymraeg yn ein clwstwr yn gweithio’n agos ac mae ganddynt gynllun pontio effeithiol a chynhwysol rhwng ein lleoliadau cynradd ac uwchradd. Daw disgyblion at ei gilydd, trwy gydol y flwyddyn, i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau chwaraeon, mathemategol, iaith, 'STEM' a chreadigol amrywiol. Mae'n llawer o hwyl!




The Morgan Llwyd cluster of schools is passionate about the well-being, achievement and success of all our pupils. We work together to encourage them to be the best they can, and to nurture and grow pride in their language, their area and the heritage throughout their lives.


The ten Welsh schools within our cluster work closely and have an effective and inclusive transition plan between our primary and secondary settings. Pupils come together, throughout the year, to partake in various sporting, mathematical, language, STEM and creative activities. Much fun is had by all!
