Mae'n prosbectws ar gael isod neu, os byddai'n well gennych, mae copi caled ar gael o'r swyddfa'r ysgol.
Our prospectus is available to peruse below or, should you prefer, a hard copy is available from the school office.
Gweler isod yr holl gefnogaeth ac ymyrraethau ychwanegol rydym yn eu cynnig yn Ysgol Min y Ddol i sicrhau bod anghenion ein disgyblion yn cael eu diwallu, eu bod yn barod i ddysgu ac yn cael eu cefnogi i wneud eu gorau glas.
Please see below all the additional support and interventions we offer at Ysgol Min y Ddol to ensure our pupils' needs are met, they are ready to learn and are best supported to do their very best.