
Ysgol Min y Ddôl

Pawb yn Llwyddo


Pwy 'di Pwy / Who's Who

Dewch i gwrdd â phawb yn ein tîm…..

Come and meet everyone in our team….


Mrs Claire Rayner: Pennaeth/Head Teacher

Mrs Wendy Lloyd: Ysgrifenyddes/Secretary


Mr Tom Evison: Athro Dosbarth Derwen/Dosbarth Derwen Teacher

Miss Kelly Jones: Cymhorthydd Uwch Dosbarth Derwen, Ymyrraethau a ChPA/Higher Level Teaching Asssistant for Dosbarth Derwen, Interventions and PPA. 


Mr Aaron Davies: Athro Dosbarth Draenog/Dosbarth Draenog Teacher

Miss Dani Roberts: Cymhorthydd Dosbarth Draenog/Dosbarth Draenog classroom assistant 

Mrs Naomi: Cymhorthydd 1 i 1 a chynorthwydd clwb ar ol ysgol/1 to 1 support and after school club assistant


Miss Hannah Edwards: Athrawes Dosbarth Wiwer/Dosbarth Wiwer Teacher

Miss Michaela: Cymhorthydd Dosbrth Wiwer/Dosbarth Wiwer classrom assistant

Mrs Naomi: Cymhorthydd 1 i 1 a chynorthwyydd clwb ar ol ysgol/1 to 1 support and after school club assistant


Miss Lucy Williams: Athrawes Dosbarth Gwdihw/Dosbarth Gwdihw Teacher

Miss Jane Holgate: Cymhorthydd Dosbarth Gwdihw a chynorthwyydd clwb ar ol ysgol/Dosbarth Gwdihw classroom assistant and after school club assistant


Mrs Ruth Morris: Athrawes Mes Bach, CPA ac Ysgol Goedwig/Mes Bach, PPA and Forest School Teacher

Mrs Mel Jackson: Cymhorthydd Mes Bach/Mes Bach classroom assistant

Kelly Jones: Cymhorthydd Addysgu Lefel Uwch (CALU)


Mr Mark Hammonds: Gofalwr/Caretaker

Ms Karen Arthur: Glanhawraig/Cleaner

Ms Gemma Hopwood: Glanhawraig/cleaner


Ms Claire Owen: Cogyddes/Cook

Mrs Marie Jones: Cynorthwyydd Arlwyo/Catering Assistant

Mrs Jayne Roberts: Cynorthwyydd Arlwyo/Catering Assistant

Mrs Becky Nadolski: Cynorthwyydd Arlwyo/Catering Assistant



Mrs Sara Lloyd: Arweinydd Clwb ar ol ysgol/After school club leader


Mrs Sam Holman: Arweinydd Cylch Meithrin/Cylch Meithrin Leader

Mrs Sioned Austin: Dirprwy Cylch Meithrin a chynorthwydd Clwb ar ol ysgol/Cylch Meithrin Deputy and After school club assistant

Mrs Natalie Jones: Cymhorthydd Cylch Meithrin/Cylch Meithrin Assistant

Miss Stacey Cameron: Cymhorthydd Cylch Meithrin/Cylch Meithrin Assistant



Llyfryn Staff/Staff Booklet
