Helo a chroeso i dudalen Cylch Meithrin Min y Ddôl.
Hello and welcome to Cylch Meithrin Min y Ddôl's page.
Samantha Holman - Responsible Person/Manager
Sioned Austin - Childcare assistant (Level 3)
Stacey Cameron - Childcare assistant (Level 3)
Natalie Jones - Childcare assistant (Level 3)
Mae pob un o'n staff yn rhugl yn y Gymraeg neu'n dysgu.
All our staff are fluent Welsh speakers or are learning to speak Welsh.
Cylch Meithrin Min y Ddol is CIW registered to care for children from 2 – 4 years old.
We offer Flying Start Provision 9.00am – 11.30 am (funded childcare)
Play Group Provision 9.00 – 11.30am £7.00 per session
Early Education 3 year old’s 1.00pm – 3.00pm (funded childcare)
Nursery Plus 11.30 – 3.00pm £10.00 per session
We also offer the 30hr childcare offer, which is government funded for parents working over 16hrs a week.
We are based close to Ysgol Min y Ddol in Cefn Mawr and offer childcare to the surrounding community.
Manylion Cyswllt/Contact Information
Mae croeso i chi gysylltu a ni am mwy o wybodaeth neu os hoffech drefnu ddod i gael edrych ar ein darpariaeth croesawgar a hwylus.
You're more than welcome to contact us for more information or to make arrangements to come and see our fun and welcoming setting.
Rhif cyswllt/Contact Number: 07707470152
Ebost/Email: cylchmeithrinminyddol@outlook.com